
Carlee's Recent Blogs

This is for sharing what I find interesting, or to share the lyrics of music I like, also I will be writting about my everyday!!

How to make a girl fall in love Date: Jun 3rd @ 3:20pm EDT
hey guys I found something interesting about how to make a girl fall in love: the most important thing is:
1. Use your best quality that makes you unique.
2. Learn how to flirt.
3. Be your-self.
4. Smile to life
I found this on internet and I think is cool, but guys I want that you learn english, so read it and transalate it ;)

Tip #1: Sácale provecho a tu cualidad única

Por ejemplo, si la gente siempre te dice que eres gracioso y que disfrutan estar a tu alrededor porque pasan un buen rato riéndose, entonces ya tienes un punto a favor. Utiliza tu sentido del humor como una ventaja para enamorar a una chica, pero no te sobrepases, ni empieces a contar chistes malos o singracia. Solamente actúa normal y como siempre eres y ella se dará cuenta que eres naturalmente gracioso y que no estás pretendiendo ni inventando. Entonces es de gran importancia ser tú mismo cuando estás lidiando con mujeres en general.

Tip #2: Aprende a ligar

Ligar o coquetear es una de las maneras más usadas para atraer la atención de alguna chica. Pero no exageres con el coqueteo. Una de las cosas tener en mente es saber cuándo parar. Una de las maneras más conocidas de coquetear es molestar a la chica pero siempre debes mantener tu tono de chiste y nunca sonar serio porque ella podría enojarse mucho contigo. Esto podría significar que te pone en tu lista negra y nunca se sabe como terminará. Podría llegar hasta el punto que te dé una cachetada o algo peor. Nunca se sabe y creo que nunca querrás saberlo.

Tip #3: Sé tú mismo

Uno de los errores más comunes que las personas cometen es tratar de ser algo que no son con el fin de impresionar a una chica. Pero te puedo asegurar que actuar como algo que no eres alrededor de una mujer no te hará nada de bien. Solo sé tú mismo y trata de mostrar aspectos tuyos que a la gente normalmente les atrae. En otras palabras, no trates de ser “cool” y nada más actúa naturalmente y muestra tus buenas cualidades.

Tip #4: Sonríele a la vida

Las personas estamos naturalmente atraídas a quienes sonríen y déjame aclararte algo, las guapas no son la excepción! Te recomiendo que cuando te levantes, antes de salir de tu casa, pienses en las oportunidades que gozas y agradezcas todo lo bueno que la vida te presenta, hay demasiada gente en condiciones peores que las tuyas y adivina, ellos le sonríen siempre a la vida. Es cuestión de actitud!
here you got the bio of Borges Date: May 31st @ 3:10pm EDT
Translate this too, I just want that you learn a little spanish too and something about what I like.

Jorge Luis Borges nació en Buenos Aires el 24 de agosto de 1899. Por influencia de su abuela inglesa, fue alfabetizado en inglés y en español. En 1914, viajó con su familia a Europa y se instaló en Ginebra, donde cursó el bachillerato. Pasó en 1919 a España y allí entró en contacto con el movimiento ultraísta. En 1921, regresó a Buenos Aires y fundó con otros importantes escritores la revista Proa. En 1923, publicó su primer libro de poemas, Fervor de Buenos Aires. Desde esa época, se enferma de los ojos, sufre sucesivas operaciones de cataratas y pierde casi por completo la vista en 1955. Tiempos después se referiría a su ceguera como "un lento crepúsculo que ya dura más de medio siglo".

Desde su primer libro hasta la publicación de sus Obras Completas (1974), trascurrieron cincuenta años de creación literaria durante los cuales Borges superó su enfermedad escribiendo o dictando libros de poemas, cuentos y ensayos, admirados hoy en todo el mundo. Recibió importantes distinciones de diversas universidades y gobiernos extranjeros y numerosos premios, entre ellos el Cervantes en 1980. Su obra fue traducida a más de veinticinco idiomas y llevada al cine y a la televisión. Prólogos, antologías, traducciones, cursos y charlas dan testimonio de la labor infatigable de ese gran escritor, que cambió la prosa en castellano, como lo han reconocido sin excepción sus contemporáneos. Borges falleció en Ginebra el 14 de junio de 1986.
What you learn with the time Date: May 31st @ 3:02pm EDT
Hey guys this is a lovely text written by Jorge Luis Borges, it is too beautifil and make the translation wouldn't keep the meaning, read it and translate it:

"Después de un tiempo, uno aprende la sutil diferencia entre sostener una mano y encadenar un alma, que el amor no significa acostarse y una relación no significa seguridad; y uno empieza a aprender que los besos no son contratos y los regalos no son promesas; y uno empieza a aceptar sus derrotas con la cabeza alta y los ojos abiertos.

Y uno aprende a construir todos sus caminos en el hoy, porque el terreno de mañana es demasiado inseguro para planes... y los futuros tienen una forma de caerse en la mitad.

Y después de un tiempo uno aprende que si es demasiado, hasta el calorcito del sol quema. Que hay que plantar su propio jardín y decorar su propia alma, en lugar de esperar a que alguien le traiga flores. Y uno aprende que realmente puede aguantar, que uno realmente es fuerte, que uno vale, y con cada día... uno aprende.

Con el tiempo aprendes que estar con alguien porque te ofrece un buen futuro, significa que tarde o temprano querrás volver a tu pasado.

Con el tiempo comprendes que sólo quien es capaz de amarte con tus defectos, sin pretender cambiarte, puede brindarte toda la felicidad que deseas.

Con el tiempo te das cuenta de que si estás al lado de esa persona sólo por compañía a tu soledad, irremediablemente acabarás no deseando volver a verla.

Con el tiempo te das cuenta de que los amigos verdaderos valen mucho más que cualquier cantidad de dinero.

Con el tiempo entiendes que los verdaderos amigos son contados, y que el que no lucha por ellos tarde o temprano se verá rodeado sólo de amistades falsas.

Con el tiempo aprendes que las palabras dichas en un momento de ira pueden seguir lastimando a quien heriste, durante toda la vida.

Con el tiempo aprendes que disculpar cualquiera lo hace, pero perdonar es sólo de almas grandes.

Con el tiempo comprendes que si has herido a un amigo duramente, muy probablemente la amistad jamás volverá a ser igual.

Con el tiempo te das cuenta de que cada experiencia vivida con cada persona es irrepetible.

Con el tiempo te das cuenta de que el que humilla o desprecia a un ser humano tarde o temprano sufrirá las mismas humillaciones o desprecios multiplicados al cuadrado.

Con el tiempo comprendes que apresurar las cosas o forzarlas a que pasen ocasionará que al final no sean como esperabas.

Con el tiempo te das cuenta de que en realidad lo mejor no era el futuro, sino el momento que estabas viviendo justo en ese instante.

Con el tiempo verás que aunque seas feliz con los que están a tu lado, añorarás terriblemente a los que ayer estaban contigo y ahora se han marchado.

Con el tiempo aprenderás que intentar perdonar o pedir perdón, decir que amas, decir que extrañas, decir que necesitas, decir que quieres ser amigo, ante una tumba ya no tiene ningún sentido. "
I love my friends Date: May 30th @ 11:14am EDT
There are a lot of songs about love, but there also are songs about friendship. I think in some moments of our lives friendship is more important than love. There are differences between these feelings. Rarely you break up with a friend but it happens sometimes, a friend may cheat on you, but is not the same. A friend can be more honest and they don't hide some things as a boyfriend or girlfriend does. A friend is meant to be for whole life, and you can change your boyfriend/girlfriend and your best friends will always going to be there. I heard that good friends are like stars, sometimes you don't see them but you know they are there. I also heard that is too difficult to find a good one but once you find it, you have to take care of it as if it was it a treasure. Friends tell you the truth even if you don't like it. They listen to your problems even if they can't help you to fix them. They wipe away your tears when you cry, and laugh with you when you are happy. They keep your secrets safe when you have to talk to someone about something you don't want to share with the whole world.

Having a good friend is one of the best things that can happen to you, it is amazing to can count on someone most of the times ... I also heard that an angel doesn't have to be your friend but a friend although doesn't want it becomes your angel...
Keeping the topic!!! Date: May 29th @ 2:33pm EDT
Yesterday guys I showed you the lyrics of one of my favourite songs. Today I look for the bio of the singer Melendi ... and I see this in Internet, I learn a bit more about him and I want to share it with you:

He was born on January 21, 1979 in Oviedo, Asturias. He went to class with Formula One race car driver Fernando Alonso, to whom he dedicated the song "Magic Alonso". He realized very quickly that he was not made for studying, but he was good at soccer. He played in the lower ranks of Astur CF, at the time a reserve team for Real Oviedo. Afterwards, he worked as a waiter in several bars and spent all night out, living experiences that would later go on to make up the lyrics of his songs. In 2001, he joined a group called "El bosque de Sherwood", and soon after recorded a demo with only three songs, "Sin noticias de Holanda", "El informe del forense", and "Vuelvo a traficar".
In February 2003, Melendi released his first solo disc, called "Sin noticias de Holanda" with twelve songs. In December 2003, this disc was rereleased with two new songs, "Asturias" and "Moratalá". However, he reached true fame with the 2004 Vuelta a España chose his song "Con la luna llena" as its official theme. In May 2004, he started a small tour around Spain, selling 50,000 copies of his CD, making it a Gold Album.
In 2005, he released his second solo CD, "Que el cielo espere sentao", which has sold more than 200,000 copies. Later that same year, he rereleased the album with three new songs, "El Nano", "La dama, and "El vagabundo y Carlota", and a Live concert DVD recorded in Oviedo. He also became a father that year, and received the Onda award for Best Song of the Year for "Caminando por la vida".
In November 2005, he received seven Platinum Discs for his two albums. "Sin noticias..." received four and "Que el cielo..." three.
In 2006, it was announced that he would be one of the main stars in the PSP game "Gangs of London". Melendi played Mr. Big, an evil gangster. He also wrote the song "Gangs of London" for the occasion, going on to film a video amidst police lights and sirens. The videogame was launched on August 1 of that year in the UK and on September 6 in Spain; EMI stepped in to distribute his CDs worldwide.
Melendi in Valladolid.
He also wrote the song "Volveremos" (We Shall Return) for Real Oviedo. The singer is also involved in the production of the film "Vuelvo a traficar: The Film" (I'm Dealing Again).
"Mientras no cueste trabajo" was released on November 13, 2006 in two formats: a normal CD with 12 songs, and a special edition, with 16 songs and a DVD with extras. The disc was rereleased on September 29, 2007 with four new songs, "Firmes", "El rey de la baraja", "La aceituna", and "Me gusta el fútbol".
In 2007, he received the "Best Tour" award from the "Premios de la Música" ceremony held in Cordoba. He also did an advertising campaign for Canal+ Spain entitled "Me gusta el fútbol" (I Like Football), for which he wrote a song of the same name.
In 2007, he stood trial for provoking an incident while under the influence of alcohol on a flight from Madrid to Mexico City that required the pilot to return to Madrid two hours after takeoff.[1][2] He was released after testifying. Soon after, he was given the "Left Foot" award from Spanish radio station Cadena 100 for this incident.
Currently, Melendi directs his Blue Donkey Music company, helping young singers start their careers. He's offered contracts to four groups, Algunos Hombres Buenos, Rasel, La Dama y Belo, and Los Susodichos. This last group was nominated for a Latin Grammy for Best Rock Vocals. Algunos Hombres Buenos left the label in 2008.
On August 9, 2008 he presented his new single, "Un violinista en tu tejado" from his album Curiosa la cara de tu padre on Spanish radio station Los 40 Principales. The album was released on September 16, 2008. On December 12, Los 40 Principales awarded him their award for this album.
On March 17, 2009 he released a new double CD, Aún más curiosa la cara de tu padre, including the original disc and another with nine new songs and links to exclusive content on his website.
One of my favorite songs!!! Date: May 28th @ 8:35pm EDT
Hey guys this is one of my favs songs by Melendi. Look for translation, I hope you like it
No quiero volver a soñar despierto
ni a ver un oasis en el desierto
de tu corazón
soy tan solo un peón para ti
y a veces grito al cielo por tu pelo
me muero por dentro, casi al mismo tiempo que pierdo yo el sueño
por amor
y por amarte tanto... muero yo
no quiero volver a las ilusiones
son como espejismos que hacen que te vea
como quiero yo
y la realidad no es así
por mucho que quiera cambiar no puedo
me has mentido tanto, has secado mi llanto
no tienes perdón
cogiste el pie cuando te di la mano rompiste mi vida, me abriste una herida
y me echaste alcohol
y por amarte tanto/ muero yo
siempre te perdoné
porque antes era fácil
cuando quieres a alquien
lo perdonas sin más
pero ahora que mi amor
está tan deteriorado/ahora que los champanes
me saben a aguarrás
no quiero verte cerca
del culo de mi vaso lo más cerca de mi casa el ascensor
no quiero verte cerca de mi nariz de payaso
no seré más tu saco, tu felpudo, tu bufón
can women be friends? Date: May 27th @ 8:40pm EDT
can women be good friends?

It is known fact that most of women can not be friends most of the times. But why?

In history women has fought for their freedom, and nowdays I think we have reach a level of freedom that allow us be ourselves in every way we want. Now women can dress however they want, Girls actually can be the ones to give the first step for dating a guy. I love that.

Women can explore their sexuality better now than before. In the past they were treated like bitches, if they showed satisfaction. women should dress covering everything .. I can not think how they could live that way .. it's funny knowing that most of you rarely see me dressed.

Women today can enjoy a different life, today we can dress waht we want, we can enjoy sex as men has done always. If we like a guy, we can go to get him. We can have the same job men have.

But let's go back to the begining, can women be friends?
Why are we so competitive between us? I dare to say that women dress up and make up for women.

Women know that sometimes we can not trust in other women who don't respect our relationships, that criticize us, that make gossips about us ...

At the end I think there's a place for everyone of us, a job for everyone of us ... and a guy that perfectly matches with everyone of us

Girls, world wouldn't be the same with out us!!!
What you want? Date: May 26th @ 9:49pm EDT
Hi guys

Today I want to talk about achievments in life and about reaching a dream. We all have dreams and we are always looking for something. Some people dream about getting married and have kids. Other people just want to get a great job and make lots of money. Other people wants to travel around the world. There are other humble dreams and also meaningfull. Other people want to keep a good health and have plenty time to enjoy of their families. I think that most of the people is looking for new dreams by every season in their lives. While we grow we see life and we learn what is important. We all have our own appreciation of love, family, relationships, money, friendship, succes ...

What I heard is that every single wish that born in our hearts always become true. If the wish is pure, honest and can make our lives better and happier, the whole universe will be by our side and everything will create it for us.

Life is an amazing journey and I heard too that the important thing is the trip, not the destination.

Well I think this is getting too serious and romatic ... lol

I was just wondering about that ... sometimes we want something badly but it seems that everything take us away from that dream ... Life is understood better when you look back, and with the time you understand why somethings couldn't become true. And other times life surprises us by giving us something we thought was impossible.

We have to believe that everything happens for a reason, and we have to face that sometimes the worst thing could happen to you is get what you want ...

Think about that, but never never stop dreaming, because dreaming give us the strength and determination to keep looking for our next dream...

By the way ... dream of me naked, and making love with you ... lol
Lovely fetishes Date: May 25th @ 8:11pm EDT
let's talk today about fetish, each person has his own personal way to enjoy life and enjoy sex. But some of us dare to try new things or discover new hot stuff in our lives. Some guys Love bif tits, other one love tight ass, other girls with nice feet, other one love thick lips, or big nipples. Everything is good as long as your personal way to approach to sex makes you feel good and makes feel good your partner too.

There are some people that goes beyond, who likes things related with pee and poo ... lol I respect your likes.

I must confess that my favourite fetish may be too obvius, but I love cock, the way it looks soft, its smells, how soft is its skin, the sweet taste of precum ... when it is growing I love how it jumps and how it looks venous ... I love to suck it slowly and get it wet, then I love to feel how it feels round my pussy, and how it slides inside.

This is not gossip, but my friends here on flirt4free have a lot of different fetishes, some of them love my feet and I feel very comfortable at pleasing their fantasies about them. Some guys love stockings and sexy lingerie, that makes me feel sexier.

I invite everyone to explore, to walk out of your average path, to discover all those hidden things taht can give you a bigger pleasure than you never expect.

I know that you guys are naughty, all of you hide a secret fetish ... I guess there is someone around there that perfectly fit with your fetish .. so don't be shy. just flirt, tease, seduce and prove with not hurting yourself

Life is short, just enjoy everything
Try and tell me about it
My zodiacal sign Date: May 24th @ 4:55pm EDT
Hey guys, today I just want that you know a little bit more about me by reading this short descprition of my zodiacal sign

Virgo - The Sign of the Harvest Goddess
The people who were born under the sign of Virgo have the strongly advanced analytical mind and all the time trying to glue labels on everything they see. They have sharp feelings of taste, time, hearing and sense of smell. The symbol of this sign is Virgo. It does not mean, that they are pure and sinless . It means that heir amazing abilities to observe allow them to see all the human lacks. Usually they do not like everything that they see, and they withdraw like Virgo.

In love they are the most difficult to understand, the very best and the very worst of men and women being born in this part of the year. To people born under this sign love is not dramatic, emotional, or sentimental. Love for them is devotion and will include love of family, friends, and those less fortunate than he or she. There is no pretense involved in how they act or what they say. Marriage is a major commitment; they value their union as both a love relationship and a working partnership. A warm relationship brings out the best in anyone born under this sign because basically they are kind, devoted and very loyal.

If you join my fun club u will have a special place in my heart and I will share with you pictures, videos and more about me to have a special place in your hearts too